The coordination of color combinations in your home extends beyond merely the selection of wall color, to the selection of the furnishings, as well. Furniture made of wood has long been a favorite of those with discriminating taste, because of the varied range of textures, colors, and other characteristics common to the wood of various trees.
Agoura Sash & Door can help you select the right wood tone for windows and doors to complement both your furniture and the wall color of choice.
Care in selecting your home’s interior coordination is important because in most cases, you will be living with your choices for at least several years. Whether stained or natural, each wood variety has its own characteristics. Coordinating these with an appropriate wall color as a backdrop comes down to the basics of choosing the amount of contrast and the degree to which they complement each other.
A very dark color in either wood or wall, lends itself to high contrast applications, whereas a medium-tone color can be coordinated easily through either contrasting or complementary colors.
- Color Contrast – Contrast a light color in one against a darker, richer color in the other, for a more dramatic effect. The richness of very dark woods are brought out nicely by a light-colored background, for example.
- Complementary Colors – Some colors draw out and some colors obscure or clash with the color of a contrasted object. A warm-toned medium brown wood is enhanced nicely by a medium green background, bringing out yellow tones in the wood finish. The high contrast of a bright blue background can bring out orange tones in the wood. Soften the blue to lessen the contrast, and you maintain the complement without creating a fatiguing harshness.
Located in Westlake Village, Agoura Sash & Door proudly serves three counties, Ventura, Los Angeles, and Santa Barbara. Contact us today with your questions or for a quote.