Insulate your home to maximize your temperature control and save energy!
Insulation is an important factor in controlling your home’s temperature. Proper insulation can keep you warm in the winter and cool in the summer. As spring starts, be sure to conduct your own DYI insulation inspection to be sure that your home stays cool as temperatures start to heat up. Check out these tips on how to better insulate your home.
Seal Doors & Windows
Keeping air leaks to a minimum is key to insulating your home. As temperatures start to heat up, the cool air inside seeps outside. As it escapes, it wastes energy and costs you money, leaving your home warmer (or cooler in the winter) than you’d like it. Be sure to seal all the leaks in your home, especially leaks around doors and windows. You may even want to invest in double pane windows to keep the temperature stable.
Attic Insulation
Be sure that you insulate your attic to better control temperature in you home. As heat rises, lots of heat rests in your attic. During the winter, proper insulation helps to keep warm air in your living space. In the summer, insulation helps to prevent the warm air from heating the living space, keeping you cooler. Be sure that your attic has at least 14 inches of insulation.
Conduct Duct Inspection
Air ducts are a huge culprit of air leaks. Be sure to take a look at your ducts. When joints aren’t well fitted, if the ducts haven’t been well wrapped, it poses a risk for air leakage. If you notice any of these issues, fix them immediately.
Window Dressings
Your window dressings can reduce the hot air that heats up your home. Be sure to use your blinds and drapes to your advantage to stay cooler.
Make sure to get your home ready for warmer temperatures and invest in the right doors and windows to help keep your home at the perfect temperature. Be sure to contact Agoura Sash & Door in the Conejo Valley. Located in Westlake Village, California we serve all your door and window needs.